The history
of Strijp-S
The exodus of Philips from Eindhoven opened the door for the revival of the city and Strijp-S in particular.
The renaissance of Eindhoven
Through the large number of jobs the company created, Philips made the small village of Eindhoven great. But the very departure of the company after Philips largely withdrew from Eindhoven to Amsterdam and all sorts of other places around the world has ensured that Eindhoven and, in particular, the former industrial area of Strijp-S, is flourishing again.
To this day, Eindhoven’s history is very much intertwined with electronics giant Philips.

In 1891, Gerard Philips started manufacturing light bulbs in a small factory on the Emmasingel, convinced of the potential he saw for this product.
From 1928, Philips' development at Strijp-S goes fast
Philips & Co was already producing some 1.5 million lamps 10 years after its inception.
To keep production going, more and more space, raw materials and people were needed. To avoid being dependent on suppliers, Philips had the first factory built at Strijp-S in 1916, a glass factory making the glass balloons for glass lamps. There came a cardboard factory, a gas factory and a Physics Laboratory (NatLab) to develop new technologies.

Philips became completely self-sufficient at Strijp-S. From raw material to finished product and transport. Everything was in the company’s own hands.

The Klokgebouw sees the light
Rapidly, the Klokgebouw (factory for Philite, the Philips name for bakelite) sees the light of day, followed by the appliance factories on the Hoge Rug.
An Engine Room, a Boiler House and another new building were built: the Veemgebouw with its typical rounded corners, intended for the storage of parts and products.
Innovation technology
Radio technologies, televisions and shavers, as well as the CD and DVD came from Philips’ kitchen. In the medical field, Philips took the first steps in X-ray technology.
Queen Wilhelmina addressed the people of the Dutch East Indies from the laboratory with a wireless radio connection. Einstein paid a visit. But the first electronic music also came from the NatLab: researcher Dick Raaijmakers took the first steps in developing synthesisers and was already making music with them.Philips saw nothing in the project and put no more energy into it: a commercial blunder, we know with today’s knowledge. Think about that again when you dance to the electronic sounds of the STRP festival!

Philips' growth
Each time after a major invention, Philips experienced tremendous growth. Expansion necessitated new industrial areas: Strijp-R and Strijp-T on the other side of the Rondweg. The 27 hectares of Strijp-S were not nearly enough.
In the 1970s, Philips is at its peak in Strijp: some 10,000 people work there every day. In Eindhoven, the area was given the name ‘Forbidden City’ because it was surrounded by fences and barriers. You only got in with a pass.
Each time after a major invention, Philips experienced huge growth. First with radio, after the war with TV.

Strijp-S and the post
Philips era
2002 – present
2002 – VolkerWessels and the municipality of Eindhoven buy Strijp-S from Philips. The fenced-in industrial area is transferred and leased back by Philips. Philips will in fact remain active at Strijp-S for a number of years as the main user. The purchasing partners are setting up the Public Private Partnership Park Strijp Beheer. A joint company whose objective is to transform Strijp-S into Eindhoven’s new creative centre.
Park Strijp
Under the direction of Park Strijp Beheer, the plans for Strijp-S are developed. Landscape and urban planner Adriaan Geuze of the West8 agency is commissioned to draw the urban plan and is appointed supervisor to guarantee the quality of the plan. The plan is adopted by the Eindhoven city council and focuses on a mixed high-urban programme of living, working and public functions. An important part of the old Philips factories has been designated as a municipal (NatLab) and national monument (the Hoge Rug and Klokgebouw). Together with the historical structure and ideas, these buildings form the common thread of the urban development plan.
The urban plan will be converted into a zoning plan, which will be adopted by both the city council and the Province. This framework will make it possible to actually realise the new Strijp-S.

2005/2006 – From urban development plan to zoning plan
With this framework established by the municipal council and the Province, the new Strijp-S can actually be realised. It forms the basis for further plan development, agreements with new development partners and the start of the first visible interventions on the site.
Strijp-S opens up to the city as the fencing is gradually replaced, with the first Philips components moving elsewhere. This literally makes the first buildings available for new use.
The Klokgebouw (led by Trudo) and Glasgebouw (by Park Strijp Beheer) are at the forefront. Trudo, Woonbedrijf and 3W (later replaced by ING) join the development of Strijp-S.
They conclude cooperation agreements with VolkerWessels. Broadly speaking, 3W committed itself to the development right next to the railway (Spoorzone), Trudo to the heart of Strijp-S located between Torenallee and Philitelaan (the Driehoek, including the Klokgebouw) and Woonbedrijf to the housing project between Torenallee and Kastanjelaan (Kastanjevelden). In all cases, VolkerWessels remains connected as developer and builder of this area transformation.
This new development consortium is investing in the development of the area with the result that the Dutch Design Week, prefers Strijp-S as its new home. One of the major events that will put Strijp-S on the map as a new creative centre.

A new creative, urban dynamic
The development of Strijp-S would take place in four phases, in which approximately a quarter of the site would be transformed in sequence. The Philips departure scenario is leading in this. As a result, Strijp-S will develop towards the centre of Eindhoven instead of the other way around. Following the Woonbedrijf initiative, Trudo will continue the transformation of the former Philips factories, Gerard, Anton and Klokgebouw.
VolkerWessels and Gemeente Eindhoven are investing via Park Strijp Beheer in the construction of the HOV lane at Strijp-S, Philitelaan, Glaslaan, Kastanjelaan, Torenallee and an area-wide WKO system (Sanergy). This literally opens up Strijp-S to the city, resulting in a strong increase in interest from countless entrepreneurs, quartermasters, hospitality and events to make Strijp-S their home.
Smart business
in times of crisis
Due to the crisis, many area developments in the Netherlands have come to a standstill, but Strijp-S is attracting more and more parties. As a result, the former Philips factories are overflowing with fresh entrepreneurship.
Whereas this started in 2000 in an anti-squatting way, Strijp-S is now continuing with a strongly thematic approach with an eye for the various communities. In order for the plan development to go ahead, the development partners commit to a package of measures. As a result, the demolition of many Philips factories will be postponed and later completely cancelled.
Mobility-S tackles the parking problem with parking garages and a fund is set up (Fond-S) to enable new image-defining initiatives.
Strijp-S opens its doors to the city, resulting in a strong growing interest from numerous entrepreneurs, pioneers, catering establishments and events that make Strijp-S their home base.

New residents
for Strijp-S
The development of Strijp-S would take place in four phases, with about a quarter of the site being transformed in sequence. Philips’ departure scenario is leading in this. As a result, Strijp-S will develop towards the centre of Eindhoven instead of the other way around. Following the Woonbedrijf initiative, Trudo will continue the transformation of the former Philips factories, Gerard, Anton and Klokgebouw.
VolkerWessels and Gemeente Eindhoven are investing via Park Strijp Beheer in the construction of the HOV lane at Strijp-S, Philitelaan, Glaslaan, Kastanjelaan, Torenallee and an area-wide WKO system (Sanergy). This literally opens up Strijp-S to the city, resulting in a strong increase in interest from countless entrepreneurs, quartermasters, hospitality and events to make Strijp-S their home.
New building conforms to monuments
New buildings adapt to monuments. Trudo’s Haasje Over project symbolises this development like no other. The old Philips hall, for many years the home of Area51, will no longer be demolished but incorporated within the new plans.
Trudo’s new homes will literally be built over Area51. Strijp-S is ready for the next phase. New construction plans will be added to Strijp-S by all development partners. This will result in a new construction wave of 2,000 homes and 25,000 m2 of new construction for creative entrepreneurship.